Merseyside Play Action Council (MPAC) has been developing play across Merseyside since 1974.
As the Play Resource Centre for the City, we support all children, young people & families.
Our work:
Supports organisations helping them to be better governed, managed and resourced. We offer capacity building support including undertaking DBS checks, support through our facilitated Holiday, Activities and Food (HAF) Programme and capacity building support.
Engages C&YP in fun, positive and developmental activities, with everything from recently developed creative art spaces, music tech/tuition/performance spaces to state-of-the-art counselling rooms currently supporting around 100 young people per week meeting a range of mental health and wellbeing needs.
Connects through our facilitated network of 120 play providers, under the banner of ‘Positive about Play’, enabling collaboration, co-delivery, info and resource sharing to build a stronger play & youth sector

Merseyside Play Action Council
Registered Charity No. 1048263 & Limited Company No. 02925303